We are an all-inclusive 7-day summer snowboard camp located on Mt. Hood, Oregon determined to show you the best time of your life. Thanks to Mt. Hood’s glacier and massive winter snowfalls we are able to snowboard all summer long. We offer five, 7-day summer camp sessions and our staff of over 100 are some of the finest humans you’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting. All sessions offered at High Cascade are world-class snowboard freestyle camps. We also offer optional learn to ride Soft Start™ coaching Sessions 1-3. 

What’s Included?

  • 24-Hour SuperVision™

  • Airport shuttles to/from the Portland, OR Airport (PDX)

  • Hot breakfast & dinner w/ sack lunch

  • Lodging

  • Lift Tickets

  • Access to our private parks

  • Professional snowboard coaching & GoPro™ Video Analysis

  • Unlimited board, boot and binding demos

  • Authorized Awesome™ off-hill activities

  • 72,000+ sq. ft. of private skateboard parks

  • Signature Session™ Pro activities

  • Camper T-Shirts

  • TONS OF FREE STUFF from our Authorized Awesome™ Sponsors


6:45-8:00: Wake-Up! - Your Counselor will wake you up. (Note: Day 1 you won’t even be able to sleep you’ll be so excited – by Day 6, your counselor will need a squirt gun to get you moving.) Head to breakfast with your cabin, and then get dressed/ ready to go snowboard for the day!

8:00-8:15: Lets Go- Head over to the front of the courtyard to meet your coach and group and load up the busses!

8:15-8:30: Head on up- Vehicles Leave for Timberline! Get ready for a fun day of shredding!

9:30-9:45: - Commence Summer Snowboarding! Head to the Magic Mile chairlift with your coaching group to take some warm up laps.

10:00-1:00: Shred Time- Ride our private Parks and Pipes! Shred all 2-miles top-to-bottom with your coach or take laps on the lift with your group.

12:00: Break for Lunch - Post up and eat in our lunch zone in our main park. Diggers will rake and salt the park so it is in pristine condition!

12:30 – 2:45: Shred s'more - Join our Signature Session™ Pros for a clinic. Meet up with a different High Cascade coaches for a clinic. Hike the Superpipe, hit some jumps, slide some rails… whatever you’re feeling.

1:30 – 3:30: Grab a High Cascade Shuttle - Getting tired is OK. Know your limits and head down with a High Cascade Staff member to the shuttle zone when your legs can’t take it.

3:30: BOB, Concrete Jungle, Demo center, and Camp Store Open- (Everything stays open until 9:00)

4:30: Meeting Time- Meet up with your counselor at the concrete jungle for the 4:30 meeting. Afternoon Activities begin!

5:30-7:30: DINNER! Refuel those batteries with a delicious home cooked meal each night.

7:30-9:00: Meet back up for Evening Activities - Play some soccer, take a Yoga Class, Skate the jungle, bounce on the trampolines, Mtn. Bike, etc. The options are almost endless…

9:30: Curfew Time - Nobody’s allowed out after dark. You have heard the legend of the Manimal. Haven’t you? (GROM curfew is 9:00, Lights out is at 9:45)

9:30 –10:15: Kick it with your Counselors and Roommates - Hang out in your Cabin and watch snowboard movies with your crew, or go to the occasional bonfire with your cabin.

10:30: Lights Out. - The fun starts again in 9 hours. Now rest up.